Northwestern Medicine
We created a 90 day action plan that increased capacity by 8% and customer satisfaction by 20%.
Northwestern Memorial Hospital was created on September 1, 1972 by the consolidation of two of Chicago’s oldest established hospitals—Passavant Memorial (founded 1865) and Wesley Memorial (founded 1888). Bringing together these respected institutions created what was then the Midwest’s largest private, nonprofit hospital. Now with 10 hospitals and hundreds
of outpatient facilities, Northwestern Medicine is one of Illinois largest health systems. FC partnered with the system in 2012 to help improve service levels and create more parking on campus.
FC created a 90-day action plan for service improvement which included our healthcare specific service and safety training for the existing valet team. We measured our service delivery through both internal and third party secret shopper programs.
We relocated valet parking to an employee parking area and implemented a shuttle service to transport employees to off-site parking.
Service: We measured our service delivery through both internal and third party secret shopper programs and improved scores by 20%. We received numerous accolades and compliments from hospital departments.
Parking Space: Using the former employee lot for valet we were able to increase capacity by 42% increasing the campus’ overall parking capacity by 8% and creating an overall improved arrival and departure experience for guests.